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Matt Ellis Interviews Damien Martin, Perth Wildcats

Wednesday 23 Apr, 2014

Bucketts Radio's sports reporter has interviewed Damien Martin (Captain of the Perth Wildcats & son of local, Ray Martin) after his team's win of the Aussie NBL Championship.  Listen to the podcast of the interview here:

Part 1      Part 2

Martin Babakhan's Rain Predictions for 2014

Monday 3 Feb, 2014

A RESPECTED meteorologist has delivered the grimmest possible news for struggling local farmers – don’t expect any widespread rain until Christmas.

Martin Babakhan, a consultant meteorologist and conjoint lecturer in the faculty of science and IT at the University of Newcastle, said, much like last summer, the spin-off from monsoonal weather had not occurred.

With sea temperatures off the east coast of Australia at present the warmest they had been “in history” and the monsoonal weather not pushing south from Indonesia, we were “running out of time” for a good fall of rain before the monsoonal influence eased off by March, he said.

From now until February 9, it would be as “dry as you could ever expect” and any thunderstorms would “mean nothing”, with no substantial rain.

Some storms from February 17-21 would also be fairly insubstantial, he said, and it would be dry until the end of February.

“This drought is a hydrology drought – there’s not enough rain to have the run-off into the catchment,” he said.

By July, August and September, neutral conditions – neither a strong swing to La Nina (wetter conditions) nor El Nino (dry) – would start “weakening ... to a level of El Nino.”  (Excerpt from an article in the North Daily Leader.  To see full article, go to http://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/2057461/no-rain-till-christmas/

Position Vacant at Bucketts Radio

Wednesday 11 Dec, 2013

After 4 years as Station Manager, Bruce O'Connor, is stepping down from this position, leaving an opening for an equally enthusiastic and community minded person to step in.

See article in the Gloucester Advocate http://www.gloucesteradvocate.com.au/story/1963343/bruce-signs-off/?cs=435

Expressions of interest should be sent to support@buckettsradio.com.au

BuckettsRadio Interviews The Hon George Souris NSW State Member for Upper Hunter

Monday 25 Nov, 2013

Bucket6ts Radio interviews The Hon George Souris about pressing issues in Gloucester, Tourism and the 2 Kilometer Buffer Zone that was announced by The NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell.


The interview is in two parts


Part 1

Part 2

History - A Story To Tell

Wednesday 20 Nov, 2013

Have you been in Gloucester for a while?  Do you have a story to tell about something that happened in Gloucester?  Bucketts Radio would like you to tell your story.  It could be a personal story or your account of a major event.  It can be a short story or long.

Bucketts Radio will be holding an event at the Senior Citizen’s Centre on Wednesday 27th November to give you an opportunity to put your story on record and have it broadcast on the History Today programme on Bucketts Radio 104.1FM on Tuesday 12.30pm and Thursday 6.30pm weekly.  We can even provide a copy of the recording for you to keep for posterity.

There will be two sessions :  10am to 12noon, and 1pm to 3pm.  Plus, a sumptuous morning and afternoon tea will be provided for the participants.  Spaces are limited so please RSVP to Bucketts Radio as soon as possible.  Bucketts Radio can even provide transport if needed.

Please call Denise at Bucketts Radio on 6558 2400.

Bucketts Radio are wanting to increase participation in our History Today program and if you would like to be a part of the regular programme, whether it be as a presenter, production engineer or interviewer, please go to this event or drop into the station at the Majestic Arcade and have a chat with Station Manager, Bruce O’Connor.  

To Frack or Not To Frack - AGL Questioned

Wednesday 16 Oct, 2013

The Bucketts Radio Environment Show interviewd Jennifer Schoelpple and Bruce Robertson regarding statements made by AGL's Cheif Hydrogolist , Mr John Ross, when jennifer attended AGL's offices in Sydney.

Jennifer and Bruce note the stark difference between statements from AGL about ground water issues, made by AGL's Paul Ashby and John Ross, causing confusion and mistrust in the community.

Link to Jennifers youtube clip filmed at AGL Sydney -  HERE


The Interview with Jennifer and Bruce is in four parts


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4